EpiEvents for Commerce

Recently I have created an EpiEvents support for main Commerce events - InventoryUpdated and PriceUpdated.

Install the library using NuGet:

Install-Package EpiEvents.Commerce

After installation, follow configuration documentation.

Once, the library is installed in your project and configured correctly, you can start creating event handlers.

Here is an example of the PriceUdpated event handler:

public class PriceUpdatedHandler : INotificationHandler<PriceUpdated>
    private readonly ReferenceConverter _referenceConverter;
    private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;

    public PriceUpdatedHandler(ReferenceConverter referenceConverter, IContentLoader contentLoader)
        _referenceConverter = referenceConverter;
        _contentLoader = contentLoader;

    public void Handle(PriceUpdated notification)
        foreach (var key in notification.CatalogKeys)
            var link = _referenceConverter.GetContentLink(key.CatalogEntryCode);
            var content = _contentLoader.Get<CatalogContentBase>(link);

            // Do something with the content

InventoryUpdated event handler will look the same except that you have to pass the InventoryUpdated event type as a generic parameter.

For more information check GitHub repository.