Setting up RavenDB in EPiServer

I am using RavenDB in EPiServer for several months already. It is great replacement for DDS (Dynamic Data Store).

Setting up RavenDB in EPiServer is same as in some other ASP.NET application. I am using StructureMap as dependency resolver, but it could be any DI container. I created StructureMap Registry and I am registering there DocumentStore as singleton and DocumentSession as HybridHttpOrThreadLocalScoped:

public class RavenDbRegistry : Registry
    public RavenDbRegistry()
                     context =>
                     new DocumentStore
                                 ConnectionStringName = "RavenDB"

                     context =>

Connection string is retrieved same as in SQL server - from connectionStrings section in Web.config and looks like this: "Url=http://localhost:8080;Database=Stores"

After creating Registry do not forget to add it and other Registries to container:

public class StructureMapBootStrapper
    public static IContainer Configure()
                                 x =>

        return ObjectFactory.Container;

Initialize container in Global.asax on Application_Start.

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var container = StructureMapBootStrapper.Configure();
    // Other initialization code ...

If you have setup your composition root properly (see previous articles about Web API here and here), you can use IDocumentSession in your code by injecting it. For example, using it in Web API:

public class StoreController : ApiController
    IDocumentSession session;
    public StoreController(IDocumentSession session)
        this.session = session;

    public  Store Get(string id)
        return session.Load<Store>(id);